Saturday, May 1, 2010

We've been absent too long!

So, we haven't posted since the summer of 2008? That is just INSANE! To start, I, Tracy, lost my job shortly after our last posting...that had a huge impact on things, and we moved ourselves and the business to the boonies in Florida - we now have a larger space for the business and more space for living - so all in all, it's all good. I've been out of a "real job" since then, and so has Chris, so we're still technically unemployed...going on 2 years.

That being said, we're still posting new product, trying to get things in order, and hope you'll come by and visit our shop! We will try to keep this more up to date. We're on Facebook (Brickathon Lego), on Twitter (Brickathon), and kind of all over, and don't forget

:-) If you've actually read this and care to place an order, we'll give you an extra 10% off (through May 7th) if you just tell us in your order note "I just read your blog!" LOL (*New orders only - sorry folks!)

Thanks all!
