Monday, February 18, 2008

Root canal.

Hey everyone!

Well, it's Monday. Time for me to catch up on outstanding orders from late Saturday (I pretty much got things caught up through 6 pm Saturday night) and into Sunday and today.

Tracy went to the dentist this morning because 2 of her back molars have been painfully bothering her for the past few weeks. They suggested a root canal on one of her teeth (at least) but couldn't numb her up properly. So they referred her to another specialty dentist and she has an appointment tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. Now she's in bed trying to sleep off the effects of the gas and other stuff they gave her at the dentist today and then she'll head out to her "real life" job in the early afternoon. She's hurting, I can definitely tell, and I feel badly for her. :-( Poor Tracy.

That's all the new news from Brick-A-Thon for now.

Have a great day, everyone!


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