Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hello all my friends in Blogging-Lego Land

I have to clock back in at my day job in a few, but thought I'd say hello to all our lovely readers out there (and if you're reading, leave us a comment already!).

Today for lunch it's a can of Tuna fish and a donut. Yes, I lead a very, very exciting life away from the House of Plastic I call home.

Chris has been taking good care of the store. I haven't yet been up to adding more inventory and such, but hope to sometime soon this week start back at adding more parts and items.

We now have a new postage set-up so we can get packages ready quicker to mail out (we're sending out a batch today - I prepare them at night now) and we're sending out Tracking #'s on all US shipments in e-mail format. This is a nice new feature we can offer and I hope this information is helpful to folks. We're using Endicia and they have a set-up where you can track the package directly from the e-mail, which is great news for our customers! I wish we had a bit more ability for what we could offer overseas, but I do save all the Custom Label #'s for our overseas packages just in case it's needed.

In interesting news: Did you realize that it's illegal (per USPS Customs information) to send plastic toys to Italy? This happens all the time (there are quite a few Italian Lego collectors), but it's evidently a no-no and if you order from Italy your package could get confiscated by customs over there. I have heard that packages going to Italy take longer than normal, and that's probably why.

That's my update for the day. Chris is right, I have been playing Final Fantasy X again. After I finish this I plan to start X-2 again (never finished that) and then probably try FFXII as I have it but haven't played it. Of course, I also have to find time to build, have a life outside of Lego (riiiiight) and do normal daily duties of living! Ha!


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